Star WebPRNT User's Manual

How to use -Star WebPRNT Browser -

Star WebPRNT Browser + Star Bluetooth Printer (Android)

  1. Install the "Star WebPRNT Browser" from Play Store.
  2. Pair the Star Bluetooth printer with your Android device.
  3. Open the Star WebPRNT Browser.
    Star WebPRNT Browser icon
  4. Tap menu icon(a) and select Settings (b) from the menu.
  5. Specify the URL of the Web server to be used for “HOME PAGE”.
    Default is the Star WebPRNT sample site. Enter the URL of the Web server to be used.
    Settings screen
    Settings screen of Home page URL setting
  6. Choose the Star Bluetooth printer to use for "MODEL".
    When you have changed the printer’s mode to “StarPRNT”, select the printer model with “(StarPRNT)” .
    Settings screen
    Setteing screen of Printer model setting
  7. Choose the printer to use for "SELECTED PRINTER"
    Select a printer to use from the list of printers which have been paired.
    Setting screen of printer setting
  8. Return to the top page and try printing.

How to Exit the Full Screen Mode

  1. To exit the Full Screen mode set by Settings > PREFERENCE > Full Screen, swipe down from the top to display the "Full Screen mode" notification (as shown in the figure below), tap it and then uncheck PREFERENCE > Full Screen from the Setting menu.

New Features

Added a function to excute external applications from the Star WebPRNT Browser.

Operation confirmed
Phone, Mail, SMS, Camera*, Document*
*This function is available with Android OS Ver.5.0 or later.